Δευτέρα 23 Μαρτίου 2009

First Knol In Action Script

Action Script 2.0 & 3.0 in Flash have Tags. This is mean that many words are Loked by Flash and do some specific actions. Tags are to many to remember them. But now we are going to see the most basic Tags that you need to know. Except that Flash AS 2.0 & 3.0 has a Syntax that you have to learn it. It’s not the same in AS 2.0 & 3.0 but if you know the syntax of AS 2.0 it easy to learn and 3.0.

Basic TAGS:

stop(); - that mean your movie stops

play(); - that mean your movie starts play

gotoAndStop(); - that mean (example gotoAndStop(4);) your movie goes to frame 4 and stops

gotoAndPlay(); - that mean (example gotoAndPlay(4);) your movie goes to frame 4 and play

onRelease – that we use it for buttons and we told them on release do something for example: Example_bt.onRelease = function(){}


on (release)


on (press)


When we encounter them we will explain them.



When you have two words you can’t use space for example ( on release). This is wrong you have to start the next word close with the previus word, but with Capital like that (onRelease). When you want to call a movie to do something you are going to write the name in front of the Action that you want to do like that (ExampleMc.gotoAndPlay (2);)

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