Τετάρτη 4 Μαρτίου 2009

1st Design Tutorial in Flash Motion Tween

Now let’s Design simple objects and let’s go to make them (move).

1.  Create a New Flash Document in AS2

2. Leave the default settings

3. Get the Rectangle tool (R) block the stroke color

and draw a rectangle like this:

4.Now let’s transform it. Use the selection tool (v) and click once on your object

Go to the properties panel and give the values like below

W: is the width of your Shape

H: is the Height of your Shape

And X,Y are the position in your movie (starts to counter in top and left of your movie) of your Shape (you can put it ever you want). BUT be

careful to chose only integer numbers as shown above, we do this to have a smooth Movie or

else it’s possible to have “brakes” and it’s not so pretty.

An example not to follow is shown bellow


5. Now transform it into a Symbol. Go to Modify à Convert to Symbol…, or press f8.

You have three options:

Movie Clip - you create similar objects with the one you are now. It’s the most effective Symbol

Button - it’s pretty easy to make some nice buttons, but with the action script Movie Clips are

better than buttons (I will tell you why In the Action Script tutorial)

Graphic – I don’t really like them so I don’t use them when I need Graphics I convert my objects

to Movie Clips to.

Chose the Movie clip option and name it Rectangle_mc. There should be a movie clip object in

your library named Rectangle_mc.

6. Now go to frame 15, right click and then press insert key frame or press f6.

7. on frame 15

8. Get your Rectangle_mc and drag it on the bottom and right of your Clip. Or go to the properties of your Rectangle_mc and write:

9. Now in the 1st frame the Rectangle_mc is on the top of your movie and in the 15th frame it is in

the bottom. Let’s make it move. Go to a frame between the 1st and the 15th right click on the

time line and press Create Motion Tween

10. Now Let’s test our movie, press CTRL+ENTER to test it

That’s it It works....

Take the source files from here

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