Δευτέρα 2 Μαρτίου 2009

Introduction in Flash

Before you start Flash, you have to know the most basic tools which you cannot avoid, when you use Flash. So we are going to start with the Design part of Flash which is easier and l8r, I will show you how you can use the Action Script in your flash. Let’s get Start.

1.       Open your Flash and go to Flash File (Action Script 2.0). U can also use Action Script 3.0, but most movies and tutorials in flash are based in Action Script 2.0. So that’s why I’m going to show you AS2.

2.       Your Basic menu in flash:

3.       In the left Side you have the tools (for design).

·         Selection tool (you can press V of your keyboard to selected), It’s the tool that you can select and move objects on your movie.

·         Text tool (can press T of your keyboard to selected), you can write a text with that tool.

·         Rectangle (you can press R of your keyboard to selected). It’s from most basic tools and you can draw objects with that.

·         Fill Color, Stroke Color, are basics to objects and with the Fill Color you set the color you want to have the inside of your object, and the stroke color you set the color you want to have the outline of your object. Most of your Design objects needs to disable the stroke color. To disable stroke color you have to, selected and press in:

                That are the most basic tools in flash that you have to know before start.

4.       On the top you have the time line. Which have Frames. Default fps in flash are 12, this is mean that every 12 frames it pass a second so we call that relation fps (Frames per Second). It’s to low for a nice video that’s why we use 30 or 40 fps (to be more smooth our video). Time line has many uses you can make a video in only one Frame or you can use many frames in your timeline (I will show you l8r how you can do it). Also On time line you can put your Actions to do your Flash more interactive.

5.       On the bottom you have properties panel it configure according which object you have select. If you have nothing selected (like now) you can modify globalize your movie like background color, fps, the size of your document, etc.

6.       On the right is the library here you can find all stuff that’s your flash have. You can find your primordial material like images you have inserted, or material that you just create like your buttons or your movie clips.

That’s the introduction of flash that you need to know before do anything on that program.



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